RTM Districts

Explore voting statistics within districts of the RTM, from January '22 through today (i.e., the current term).

Select a district below to see more.

Don't know which district you're in? Find your district here.

At a Glance






registered voters per representative

District List

Name Area Represented Number of Seats ('24-'25)
District 1 South Center 19
District 2 Harbor 14
District 3 Chickahominy 11
District 4 Byram 17
District 5 Riverside 19
District 6 Old Greenwich 21
District 7 North Center 19
District 8 Cos Cob 26
District 9 Pemberwick and Glenville 20
District 10 North West 20
District 11 North East 23
District 12 Havemeyer 21